All that is required is moving the southern boundary “a mere 100 feet to the South along the Harlem River” Harry Bubbins, the director of the Friends of Brook Park, told the City Planning Commission at its April 1 hearing.
While he applauded the plan’s vision of a waterfront promenade and new parks elsewhere along the Harlem, he noted that the city planners have acknowledged that it would be some time before those projects are built, and said even when they were, they would not provide a launch for small boats.
Brook Park, on the other hand, is “shovel ready,” he said. It is already used informally for boating, and could achieve immediate access to the river at little cost, he continued.
Friends of Brook Park was formed in 1999 and has been working ever since to create a park at 141st Street and Brook Avenue. It calls for removing asphalt, uncovering an underground brook, planting trees and creating a natural labyrinth.
The riverside park is not “brook” park. Brook park is an inland and existing park. the group is promoting a new park on the harlem river, sans name at this time. please correct.