Illustration of proposed Waterfront District

The city has proposed special rules for the area between Exterior Street and the Harlem River from the 145th Street Bridge to the Metro North Railroad Bridge.

The first two lots, across 149th Street from the new Gateway Mall, would be zoned in a way typically used for specialty and department stores, theaters and office space. Areas to the south would be more likely to be used for apartments, offices and stores.

Towers would have a maximum height of 30 or 40 stories–as tall as the tallest buildings in the Bronx, River Park Towers in Morris Heights and Tracy Towers in Bedford Park. In other waterfront areas, tower height is limited to around 14 stories.

The city would create a 2.2 acre public park at the end of 144th Street, between the two sites zoned for the largest buildings.

Developers would be required to construct a public walkway along their portion of the riverfront, and buildings would be set back away from the water.

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4 thoughts on “The proposed Waterfront District at a glance”
  1. Ugh. Towers on the river, trying to create williamsburg waterfront, never a good idea, gentrification.

  2. Ugh…another uninformed non-resident screaming the usual “gentrification” buzz word..and who would have guessed the word Williamsburg in the same sentence. The South Bronx is revitalizing, which is a far cry of what happened to Williamsburg, the posterchild of actual gentrification. The city only now is trying to backtrack and secure affordable/middle class housing in the area…but too little too late. The city, and the residents/community is on board with this project because it is FOR the locals, with affordable housing, parkland, waterfront access, commercial/retail space the major components, and not Million dollar luxury condos..see the difference? The revitalization that is occuring in the South Bronx is now being mimicked in city’s across the country…as it is sustainable, green, healthy growth that is targeted towards the working/middle class.

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