The Bronx Documentary Center will hold a fundraiser in memory of freelance journalist James Foley, who was abducted in 2012 in Syria then killed by his captors earlier in August.
The center will screen the film First to Fall, which was made by two colleagues of Foley’s, Rachel Beth Anderson and Tim Grucza, on Saturday, Sept. 6 at 8:15 p.m. It will be followed with a Q & A, which will be moderated by New York Times Deputy International Editor, Lydia Polgreen.
The Bronx Documentary Center is located at 614 Courtlandt Avenue at the corner of 151st St. in Melrose.
Foley had attended a workshop with the group Reporters Instructed in Saving Colleagues at the center, and was a friend of its founder and director Mike Kamber and others at the center.
The center’s website reads that Foley “was a friend to many of us here. We remember James as a tremendously gifted journalist, warm and generous to his friends and colleagues and always ready to lend a hand. He was a man who gave without hesitation; a man who helped those in need.”
All proceeds will go to honoring James Foley’s memory as his family finds appropriate.
The film is an intimate story of friendship, sacrifice and the madness of war. It bears witness to the irreversible transformation of two friends, Tarek and Hamid, and the price they pay for their conviction.
There is a suggested donation for attending the film: $10 for Bronx residents, $20 for others. Children 18 and under can attend free. Click on www.bronxdoc.org/events for tickets or see more at: http://bronxdoc.org/#sthash.Je4NIdyj.dpuf.