Students urge DOE to provide better, healthier meals

Students at MS 223 say the food they are being served at school is neither nutritious nor delicious. A group of 9th graders got together to write letters to their school administrators and to The Herald, expressing their frustration and urging the Department of Education to do better.

Some said the food the education department is just looking to fulfill a mandate, and doesn’t really care about the quality of the food it serves kids.

Students are not happy eating this so-called food that is served in their school. The changes just were made for the food to meet the requirements of being healthy, but does not meet the requirements of children’s taste. –Tyrik Bynum

NYC Schools should change the school lunches in order to have more kids enjoy them instead of immediately throwing it in the trash and letting it rot in the dumps of the city.-Hector Perez

Others said the food is so old and rotten it’s barely even recognizable.

Apples should be green, red and yellow. I didn’t know they could be brown. We should help the kids because food can really change how they act, make a difference in their grades and improve their future.-Jose Montes

School should make some variation to the food they give to the students because in some cases students stay without eating anything in school.-Cesy Mauricio

When we get to lunch you see the burger with cheese laying in nasty-looking juice water and the fries are burnt or undercooked. Now if you don’t believe me, go to your child’s school and take a picture of their school menu then ask them what they ate, how it tasted, and how it looked.-Fayera McPherson

If foods like pizza have to be a weekly meal, they should at least be prepared with fresher and healthier ingredients.-Ilse Gutierrez

Still others said their fellow students are so accustomed to being served slop that they’ve come to expect it—and they’re suffering the negative health consequences.

School foods do have a big influence on kids that come from low-income families since it can be the only meal they get that can actually fill them up. If schools continue to give kids unhealthy food they will think is okay to eat like that and continue to eat unhealthy food for the rest of their lives.-Thommy Ramirez

Children are getting fat and getting bad health issues with this food, which tastes like plastic. So schools should change their food.-Ranffy Perez

The amount of obesity in poor neighborhoods has been increasing rapidly. As a community, the South Bronx needs to decide to give HS 223 healthier school food for students so the risk of obesity can lessen.-Yomaris Valerio

Finally, some students offered ideas about where the problem lies and what the education department and the administration should do to make meals more appetizing and nutritious.

The food that is served at schools is not the problem. The issue is that students don’t have enough time to eat and make wise choices.-Yennifer Torres

A campus farm/garden, “would make our students more active in class and we would love the tasty fruits and vegetables!!!.”-Alexis Cortes

Kids should eat what they want to eat not what is good for them and forced on them. If we keep the same mandates, money will be lost and food will also be wasted.-Cesar Perez

It will cost a lot of money to replace the food and upgrade it. Also there isn’t a sure chance that kids will take advantage of the options that are better and healthier.-Jonathan Lopez

I think that not just MS/HS 223 should change their school lunch but all other schools that face these problems.-Javier Molina

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