Demonstrators denounce guns at Million Mom March
Many of the victims were teens, whose parents came out to memorialize them, and to push for an end to the carnage.
Many of the victims were teens, whose parents came out to memorialize them, and to push for an end to the carnage.
Update: Advocates react to change in command Just three weeks ago, Deputy Police Inspector Elias Nikas, commander of the 40th Precinct in Mott Haven, showed up at the precinct’s monthly Community…
Local children will have access to a method of teaching often used by expensive private schools, but never by a New York City public school when a new charter school…
Mott Haven residents lead effort to stop the bleeding As she sat on her aunt’s lap, tears streamed down five-year-old Maryliz Romero’s face as she thought of her uncle, whose…
25 year-old Taisha Santiago was killed protecting her 9 year-old son as they were caught in crossfire in front of their home in Mott Haven on September 25. 25 year-old…
By Joe Hirsch [email protected] Naisha Pearson was just 10 years old when she was gunned downed in Saw Mill Park on East 139th Street. She was playing at a Labor…
By Azriel James Relph [email protected] When you subtract nearly a thousand guns from the arsenals of residents, what do you get? Safer Bronx streets, say the organizers of the Fourth…