Summit urges action on climate change
A panel of representatives from the city's Environmental Justice Alliance urged hundreds of young people at a presentation in Brooklyn, to ramp up efforts to slow global warming.
Serving Mott Haven, Melrose & Port Morris
A panel of representatives from the city's Environmental Justice Alliance urged hundreds of young people at a presentation in Brooklyn, to ramp up efforts to slow global warming.
Mott Haven residents and activists told several mayoral candidates at a June 12 forum that whoever wins the election next November should make sure no additional trash is transported to…
The city is supposed to build a new garbage facility in Manhattan to relieve the South Bronx of the unfair burden it has shouldered for years. Now, though, some politicians…
Mott Haven residents and activists met in July to consider ways to revive the local waterfront in ways that would echo initiatives already realized along the banks of the Bronx…