Why is Mott Haven library a dump site, neighbors ask
“There’s no reason why there should be a dumpster here,” said artist Linda Cunningham, who lives two buildings down from the library. “This is a residential area.”
Serving Mott Haven, Melrose & Port Morris
“There’s no reason why there should be a dumpster here,” said artist Linda Cunningham, who lives two buildings down from the library. “This is a residential area.”
The building's owner seeks a tenant, ready to rent part of it to a health club if more grandiose ideas for the entire building don't come to fruition soon.
The South Bronx Food Cooperative hosts the cooking class across the street from its store. Everyone from the mainly low-income community is welcome at the classes to learn how to…
The Eltona is the first affordable housing development in New York City to qualify for the highest rating a green building can get, called LEED Platinum. The Bronx itself is…
The Homeless Help program helps those facing eviction in Mott Haven and Melrose navigate this stressful situation.
The Corazón Puro (Pure Heart) program encourages abstinence to reduce teen pregnancy
Mexicans are the fastest-growing immigrant group in New York City, and many parents who speak only Spanish face the same dilemma of how to help their children succeed in English-speaking…
By Cristina Herrera Borquez Cristina@motthavenherald.com MASA was unofficially born in 2001, in response to the drastic changes in immigration policy after the attack on the World Trade Center and the…